Archive for December, 2013

Another reason for avoiding antibiotics

Here’s another story suggesting that antibiotics may not be good for us: they may prevent some anticancer drugs from working. This can be added to the reasons why I posted about here. This was another study in mice, but they tested anticancer drugs in animals that had been treated with antibiotics, or not. The animals that had not received the antibiotics responded to the anticancer drugs better than those that had received them. More reasons to take probiotics after a course of antibiotics? I wonder if anyone is researching the effects in humans? I think it is quite likely.

I have written before about the dosage of vitamin D that I should be taking, and the toxicity of vitamin D, but here is a new study from the University of Kentucky that indicates that levels of vitamin D that are too low may be associated with brain damage.

The researchers studied animals, so it remains to be seen whether the same effects would be seen in humans. However, I do know that I feel better when I have been able to spend at least some time in the sunshine, so maybe there is a bit of truth here?

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What Supplements Do I Need?

This post started off with doing some research on PubMed on what studies have actually been conducted into what supplements I might need. The result was total confusion. Some studies say that vitamins may prevent this or that, while other studies say that the same vitamins cause this or that. So, I ended up totally confused. I trained as a pharmacist, and have learned a bit about the macro- and micronutritional needs of my body over the years, so I can only imagine how confused everyone else must be.

A few years ago now I started taking vitamins produced by a company called USANA. I like these because they are produced in a FDA-certified facility, and are backed by a lot of research. I also like them because they have kept me healthy even though I have had a lot of stress in my life. The range of products they have is impressive, but a little while ago they introduced a True Health Assessment that allowed me to assess just what products I needed. Whether I take them or not is up to me, but at least I have a good starting point. The really good thing about the True Health Assessment is that it is free. The products are not, and I do have to say that if you decide to order products after your assessment, I will receive a commission (thank you!). Read the rest of this entry